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Social Media is tough

We may know a thing or two.

Our Focus

What we do is important in growing your social media presence.

Brand Strategy
Brand Strategy is what helps distinguish you from your competition and makes you more recognizable to customers.
Having a cohesive brand strategy helps you communicate with your customers more clearly. The more consistent your messaging, the more likely you are to attract and maintain loyal customers.
Optimized Hashtags
You can’t just put the most generic hashtags on a post and expect it to perform well. You also can’t be slapping the same hashtags on every single post. Each piece of content you put up need specialized hashtags-allowing the post to reach more eyes and gain traction.
Graphic Design
Sometimes there won’t be photos and videos to use for posts. We pride ourselves in creating neat and engaging graphics to take the place of a photo. Graphic posts can’t be random and generic though, they still need to follow your brand’s feel and guidelines.
Targeted Engagement
Where brands go wrong is posting and then ghosting. By providing targeted engagement up to an hour after posting, it gives the post the best chances of reaching a larger audience. This is also where optimized hashtags come into play. You can target niche audience within each hashtag.

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1 Place Ville Marie, 21st floor / Montreal, Quebec  H3B 2C6 / Canada

New York

55 Washington St. / 5th Floor Brooklyn / NY 11201